Test-Driven Development Using Visual Studio and C# (VS 2010)培训课程

This one-day course for developers explains the methodology of test-driven development and the use of the unit testing framework that comes with Visual Studio® 2010 Professional Edition and higher. The course is practical, with many example programs and tests written in C#®, including a cumulative case study. The goal is to quickly bring you up to speed in doing unit testing in your .NET development projects.

C# Essentials (VS 2010)培训课程

This 2-day intensive course is designed for the experienced programmer to help you quickly come up to speed on the C#® language. It is current to Visual Studio® 2010 and .NET 4.0, and introduces important new features such as dynamic data type, named and optional arguments, and the use of variance in generic interfaces.

ADO.NET Using C# (VS 2010)培训课程

This three-day, intensive course teaches the essential elements of ADO.NET such that, at the end of the course, the programmer is able to utilize its tremendous database manipulation powers to build effective database applications. This course is current to .NET 4.0, Visual Studio® 2010, and SQL Server® 2008.