Snow 303课程: Mac OS X Security and Mobility 10.6(ACSA认证指定课程之一)

Snow 303课程: Mac OS X Security and Mobility 10.6是一门为期3天的实战课程。课程讲授如何让iPhone等移动终端设备安全地通过公共网络访问内部网络上的服务。通过配置Mac OS X Server,学生将学习如何安全地为iPhone、笔记本电脑等移动终端设备提供常见的网络服务,例如:Web、电子邮件、日历。学生还将学习如何使用Xcode、Dashcode和iPhone Configuration Utility等工具在iPhone等移动终端设备上部署Web和本地应用程序的基本知识。课程包括授课和基于真实案例的动手练习,从而让学生获得真正的实战经验。

Snow 302课程: Mac OS X Deployment 10.6(ACSA认证指定课程之一)

Snow 302课程: Mac OS X Deployment 10.6是一门为期3天的实战课程。课程重点在于软件部署和维护的解决方案,范围包括单独文件的安装,以及整个系统镜像部署到多个电脑的方法。学生将学会建立一个完整的部署计划,包括测试、硬件和软件的部署、审核和维护。课程还讲述了如何建立一个分层的软件更新服务器解决方案,除了苹果提供的工具外,还包括有关的第三方解决方案。学生通过使用Apple Remote Desktop、Disk Utility、PackageMaker和System Image Utility等工具来获得实践经验,同时还将讨论不同的部署情况下的优点和缺点。

Snow 301课程: Mac OS X Directory Services 10.6(ACSA认证指定课程之一)

Snow 301课程: Mac OS X Directory Services 10.6是一门为期4天的实战课程。课程既包括Mac OS X客户端的目录服务配置,也包括如何配置Mac OS X Server目录服务器。两者都将跨平台的解决方案作为重点。学生将学习如何通过Mac OS X的网络账户和Kerberos认证协议配置常见的目录服务,如Apple的开放式目录、微软的活动目录或其它标准的LDAP服务器。而后,学生将学习如何配置Mac OS X Server的Apple开放式目录服务来运行一个健壮的可伸缩的目录服务系统。学生还将学习如何使用Mac OS X Server来强化现有的目录服务架构。课程包括授课和基于真实案例的动手练习,从而让学生获得真正的实战经验。

Adobe® Flash® CS5培训课程: Level 3

You will build Flash applications using advanced features of Flash CS5 and ActionScript 3.0. This course is intended for Flash designers and developers who want to master the skills required to develop robust applications using Flash CS5 with ActionScript 3.0. This course covers the Adobe Certified Associate and Adobe Certified Expert test objectives, and is intended to help prepare students to take the Adobe Certified Associate and Adobe Certified Expert exams.

Adobe® Flash® CS5培训课程: Level 2

You will plan, design, and develop complex Flash projects using the Adobe® Flash® CS5 application. This course is intended for users who want to expand their introductory skills in developing animations and working with ActionScript™ 3.0. This course covers the Adobe Certified Associate exam objectives, and is intended to help prepare students to take the Adobe Certified Associate exam.

Adobe® Flash® CS5培训课程: Level 1

You will create and manipulate a wide variety of objects ranging from simple graphic designs to complex animation sequences using the Adobe® Flash® CS5 application. This course is intended for designers and developers who are new to Flash. It covers the Adobe Rich Media Communication Using Flash Professional CS5 objectives, and is intended to help prepare students to take the Adobe Certified Associate exam. Please refer to the CD-ROM that came with this course for a document that maps the Adobe Rich Media Communication Using Flash Professional CS5 objectives to the content in the Adobe® Flash® CS5 series.