Course Specifications
Course number: 085719
Course length: 2.0 day(s)
Course Description
Course Objective: You will describe software quality concepts that will prepare you for the CSQA certification.
Target Student: This course is intended for software quality professionals with a minimum of two years’ experience who wish to seek certification to validate their professional experience with an industry credential, and also for software professionals such as programmers and engineers who are seeking to widen their knowledge of methodologies, standards, and processes that are implemented to improve software quality in order to move into a software quality role.
Prerequisites: Students should be familiar with software development practices and basic principles of software testing.
Hardware Requirements
The instructor’s computer should have the following hardware configured:
- Intel® Pentium® IV 300 MHz processor
- 64 MB of RAM with 1.0 GB of free hard disk space
- CD-ROM drive
- Super VGA recommended (set at least to 800 x 600 screen resolution) with 256 colors
- Internet connection
Software Requirements
Each computer requires the following software:
- Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2000 or later.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- describe quality principles and concepts.
- describe the role of leadership in quality.
- describe the importance of establishing quality baselines and various industry models.
- describe quality assurance and the various quality tools used.
- describe ways to improve work processes in organizations.
- describe quality control practices.
- describe metrics and measurement, including measurement and management of risk.
- describe internal controls and security.
- identify the quality issues involved in acquiring software from outside organizations.
Course Content
Lesson 1: Understanding Quality Principles and Concepts
- Topic 1A: Introduction to Quality Concepts
- Topic 1B: Examine Quality Control and Quality Assurance
- Topic 1C: Understand the Approach of Quality Pioneers
Lesson 2: Examining Leadership in Quality
- Topic 2A: Introduction to the Role of Management in Quality
- Topic 2B: Examine the Quality Management Infrastructure
- Topic 2C: Understand the Quality Environment
- Topic 2D: Introduction to Quality Planning
Lesson 3: Analyzing Quality Baselines and Models
- Topic 3A: Introduction to Quality Baselines
- Topic 3B: Examine Methods for Establishing Baselines
- Topic 3C: Identify Industry Quality Models
- Topic 3D: Examine Internal Audits
Lesson 4: Examining Quality Assurance
- Topic 4A: Implement Quality Functions
- Topic 4B: Identify Management Tools
- Topic 4C: Identify Statistical Tools
- Topic 4D: Identify Presentation Tools
- Topic 4E: Analyze Process Deployment
Lesson 5: Analyzing Work Processes
- Topic 5A: Introduction to Process Management
- Topic 5B: Identify Process Management Processes
Lesson 6: Understanding Quality Control Practices
- Topic 6A: Introduction to Testing Concepts
- Topic 6B: Considerations for a Test Framework
- Topic 6C: Analyze Verification and Validation Methods
- Topic 6D: Examine Software Change Control and Defect Management
Lesson 7: Analyzing Metrics and Measurement
- Topic 7A: Introduction to Measurement
- Topic 7B: Identify Measurement in Software
- Topic 7C: Understand Measurement Programs and Variation
- Topic 7D: Examine Risk Management
Lesson 8: Understanding Internal Controls and Security
- Topic 8A: Introduction to Internal Controls
- Topic 8B: Identify Risk and Internal Control Models
- Topic 8C: Examine Security Issues
Lesson 9: Examining Outsourcing, COTS, and Contracting Software
- Topic 9A: Understand COTS and Outsourced Software
- Topic 9B: Identify the COTS Software Test Process
- Topic 9C: Evaluate Software Developed by Outside Organizations
Appendix A: CSQA Certification Mapping
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