苹果开发者全球大会(WWDC 2011)门票在开放注册不久后即告售完。部分苹果注册的开发人员抱怨他们甚至还未收到苹果的邀请函。
按照苹果正式的声明,此次大会主要宣布新的iOS和Mac OS系统。评论人士认为,此前风传的iPhone 5可能不会在此次大会上发布。而过去4年,WWDC都会发布最新款的iPhone。
此次大会将在6月6日-10日与美国旧金山Moscone West会议中心举办。
WWDC 2011官方页面:

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2 thoughts on “苹果开发者全球大会(WWDC 2011)门票已售完”
Apple is one of the most amazing companies in the world. They are so clever so they always stay on top. Its hard to believe but they have passed companies like google. I mean that alone says something. I think they have completely changed the way that the world uses mp3 players. I own alot of Apple products, and I am proud of every one.