Understanding business process, pain points, and opportunities for improvement is everyone’s job, even if your title isn’t “business analyst”. Being able to create efficiencies, reduce costs, and effectively communicate are professional skills that can be used in any position. This 2-day Business Analysis for Non Business Analysts course will help participants sharpen their ability to think critically, look at the big picture as well as drill down into the details. They will learn how to properly initiate, analyze and develop a conceptual design within a 2 day timeframe. Replete with both “hard” and “soft” skills, this course builds a sound strategy for analyzing business processes and demonstrates how to apply concepts and practical techniques within the context of an experiential learning environment.
Those who need to learn practical systems thinking: project managers, decision makers, team leads, managers, information technology (IT) professionals, or other business professionals.
1. Introduction
Define Business Analysis and what it means in today’s environment
Recognize the System Development Life Cycle and various approaches
2. Enterprise Analysis
Define Enterprise Analysis and state its purpose
Identify the types and sources of information useful in this level of analysis
3. Defining the Project Scope
Define the current issues and future benefits of the new system
Identify the functional areas and stakeholders impacted by the issues
Define the preliminary project scope and objectives
4. Procedure Analysis
Define key terms important to procedure analysis
Analyze a written procedure and associated forms and reports
Discuss key components and the importance of process modeling
Create an activity diagram also known as a swim lane diagram
Decompose activities into further details using a process script
5. Interviewing
Recognize the importance of stakeholder involvement
Understand the best techniques for preparing and holding an interview
Discuss various questioning and listening techniques
Learn how to recognize and capture stakeholder requirements
Experience interviewing key stakeholders
6. Requirements, Assumptions and Constraints
Define effective requirement practices and SMART requirements attributes
Identify stakeholder requirements
Recognize assumptions and constraints
7. Defining a Solution
Manage the project scope boundaries and change while defining a solution
Redesign process, systems, and organization change
2 days.
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