Course Specifications
Course number: 085714
Course length: 1.0 day(s)
Course Description
Course Objective: You will describe software engineering processes.
Target Student: This course is intended for aspiring software professionals including entry level programmers, analysts, and testers who are involved in software development, and professionals working in the software industry including project managers, development managers, test managers, and quality assurance professionals.
Prerequisites: Students should be familiar with software development practices.
Hardware Requirements
The instructor’s computer should have the following hardware configured:
- Intel® Pentium® IV 300 MHz processor
- 64 MB of RAM with 1.0 GB of free hard disk space
- CD-ROM drive
- Super VGA recommended (set at least to 800 x 600 screen resolution) with 256 colors
- Internet connection
Software Requirements
Each computer requires the following software:
- Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2000 or later.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- identify the fundamental software engineering processes and methods.
- identify the software requirements.
- describe software design and development.
- describe the tasks carried out during software testing.
- describe the various project management activities.
Course Content
Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Software Engineering Processes and Methods
- Topic 1A: Introduction to Software Engineering
- Topic 1B: Identify Software Development Phases
- Topic 1C: Identify Software Development Models
- Topic 1D: Identify Software Development Methods
Lesson 2: Examining Software Requirements
- Topic 2A: Examine Business Requirements
- Topic 2B: Identify Functional Requirements
- Topic 2C: Identify Nonfunctional Requirements
Lesson 3: Software Design and Development
- Topic 3A: Software Architecture Design
- Topic 3B: Software Design Considerations
- Topic 3C: User Interface Designs
Lesson 4: Software Testing
- Topic 4A: Test Planning
- Topic 4B: Functional Testing Techniques
- Topic 4C: Nonfunctional Testing Techniques
- Topic 4D: Test Management Activities
Lesson 5: Project Management
- Topic 5A: Project Planning Activities
- Topic 5B: Project Monitoring and Controlling Activities
- Topic 5C: Configuration Management Activities
- Topic 5D: Reporting and Closure Activities
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