Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5培训课程: Level 3


Course Specifications

Course number: 084504
Course length: 1.0 day(s)

Course Description

Course Objective: You will create and manage database-driven websites.

Target Student: This course is intended for web designers and developers who have experience in using Dreamweaver to build websites and have a desire to expand on their knowledge to create professional, dynamic websites.

Prerequisites: To ensure your success in this course, it is recommended that you first take the following Element K courses: Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5: Level 1 and Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5: Level 2, or have equivalent knowledge.

Hardware Requirements

  • Intel® Pentium® IV processor
  • 512 MB of RAM
  • At least 1 GB of available disk space for software installation, and an additional 10 MB for the course data files
  • 256-color monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • Internet connection
  • Network connectivity

Software Requirements

Each computer requires the following software:

  • Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 8
  • WampServer 2.0i (Apache 2.2.14, MySQL 5.1.41, PHP 5.3.1)

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • establish database connectivity.
  • work with recordsets.
  • create interactive page elements.
  • administer database records.
  • create a user authentication system.
  • administer websites.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Establishing Database Connectivity

Topic 1A: Connect to a Server
Topic 1B: Identify the Components of a Database-Driven Site
Topic 1C: Create a Connection to the Database

Lesson 2: Working with Recordsets

Topic 2A: Create Recordsets
Topic 2B: Display Records
Topic 2C: Navigate Through Recordsets

Lesson 3: Creating Interactive Page Elements

Topic 3A: Create Master and Detail Pages
Topic 3B: Create Search and Results Pages
Topic 3C: Use Dynamic Form Elements

Lesson 4: Administering Records

Topic 4A: Insert Records
Topic 4B: Edit Records
Topic 4C: Delete Records

Lesson 5: Creating User Authentication Systems

Topic 5A: Create User Registration Forms
Topic 5B: Secure Web Pages

Lesson 6: Administering Websites

Topic 6A: Transfer Files to Servers
Topic 6B: Manage Websites




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