Adobe® Illustrator® CS5培训课程: Level 2


Course Specifications

Course number: 084396
Course length: 1.0 day(s)

Course Description

Course Objective: You will create complex illustrations, manage color across a range of devices, work with graphs and variables, control how illustrations appear on print and the web, and preview them on mobile devices.

Target Student: This course is intended for designers, publishers, prepress professionals, marketing communications professionals, or people switching to a design job or taking on design responsibilities, who need to use Illustrator to create illustrations, logos, advertisements, or other graphic documents. They will have some previous experience with Illustrator.

Prerequisites: Before taking this course, you should complete the Adobe® Illustrator® CS5: Level 1 Element K course, or have equivalent knowledge.

Hardware Requirements

  • Intel® Pentium® 4, Intel® Centrino®, Intel® Xeon®, or Intel® Core™ Duo (or compatible) processor
  • 1.8 GB of hard-disk space to install software, and an additional 500 MB of RAM to run the course. Color monitor with 16-bit or greater video card; 24-bit color recommended
  • 1024 x 768 monitor resolution
  • Display system to project the instructor’s computer screen
  • Internet connection with Internet Explorer version 3.0 or later, or Netscape Navigator version 3.0 or later
  • CD-ROM drive
  • Printer (optional) or an installed printer driver

Software Requirements

Each computer requires the following software:

  • Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2
  • Adobe® Illustrator® CS5
  • Adobe® Flash® Player
  • Adobe® Reader® 8.0
  • Adobe® SVG Viewer
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer®

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • create complex illustrations.
  • enhance complex illustrations.
  • create a vector version of a raster graphic.
  • create special effects.
  • work with graphs.
  • work with variables.
  • prepare documents for composite and commercial printing.
  • export graphics for the web and mobile devices.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Creating Complex Illustrations

Topic 1A: Create a Custom Shape Using Simple Shapes
Topic 1B: Create Perspective Drawings
Topic 1C: Create Compound Paths
Topic 1D: Offset Paths
Topic 1E: Erase Shapes

Lesson 2: Enhancing Complex Illustrations

Topic 2A: Organize Objects with Layers
Topic 2B: Create Symbols
Topic 2C: Create a Pattern Swatch
Topic 2D: Create a Mesh
Topic 2E: Create Custom Brushes
Topic 2F: Apply Color Using Live Paint
Topic 2G: Recolor Artwork

Lesson 3: Creating a Vector Version of a Raster Graphic

Topic 3A: Trace Artwork
Topic 3B: Adjust the Results of Tracing
Topic 3C: Create a Custom Preset
Topic 3D: Convert a Traced Object to Paths

Lesson 4: Creating Special Effects

Topic 4A: Apply Effects
Topic 4B: Create Masks
Topic 4C: Simplify Paths
Topic 4D: Create Blends
Topic 4E: Share Graphic Styles
Topic 4F: Create 3D Effects

Lesson 5: Working with Graphs

Topic 5A: Create a Graph
Topic 5B: Format a Graph

Lesson 6: Working with Variables

Topic 6A: Create Variables
Topic 6B: Create Data Sets

Lesson 7: Outputting Documents

Topic 7A: Set Up Color Management
Topic 7B: Preview an Overprint
Topic 7C: Apply Spot Colors
Topic 7D: Print a Composite Proof
Topic 7E: Create Color Separations
Topic 7F: Create an Adobe PDF File

Lesson 8: Exporting Graphics for the Web and Mobile Devices

Topic 8A: Convert Colors to Web-Safe Colors
Topic 8B: Work with Actions
Topic 8C: Export a File as an SWF File
Topic 8D: Create Slices
Topic 8E: Add Interactivity to an SVG File
Topic 8F: Preview an Illustration for Mobile Devices




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