This intensive, hands-on five-day course teaches programmers how to develop activities, services, content providers, and broadcast receivers for the Android platform. Students will first learn how to create activities using views, layouts, dialogs, and menus. Next, they will learn about intents, broadcast receivers, and services. Coverage of data storage is next with chapters on preferences, files, SQLite, data adapters, and content providers. Finally, the course ends with coverage of location-based services and application publishing. This course is current to Android 4.2, Jelly Bean
Introduction to Java or equivalent experience is required. Basic understanding of Java threads, Java inner classes and XML is recommended.
Programmers with zero to six months developing applications for the Android platform.
1. Course Introduction
- Course Objectives
- Course Overview
- Using the Workbook
- Suggested References
2. Getting Started
- Android Overview
- Android Architecture
- The Dalvik VM
- Android Components
- Android Installation
- SDK Platform-tools and the SDK Manager
- Eclipse and the ADT Plugin
- A Simple Android Application
- The Android Emulator
- User Interface Layouts
- Android Event Handlers
- LogCat
3. Activities
- Creating an Activity
- Activity Lifecycle
- Callback Methods
- Resource Conservation
- Intents
- AndroidManifest.xml
- Packaging
4. Resources
- Alternative Resources
- R.java
- String Resources
- StringArrays
- Boolean and Integer Resources
- Color and Dimension Resources
- Style Resources
- Image Resouces
- System Resources
- Localization
- Format Strings
5. Views and Event Handlers
- Views and ViewGroups
- Common Properties
- Text View
- Edit Text
- TextChanged Events
- Button
- Check Box and Toggle Button
- Radio Group and Radio Buttons
- DatePicker
- ProgressBar and RatingBar
- Threads and Handlers
- AsyncTask
6. Layouts
- Layouts
- Inflation
- LinearLayout
- FrameLayout
- RelativeLayout
- Table Layout
- Combining Layouts
- Scrolling
- Screen Orientation Changes
- Graphical Layout Tool
7. Fragments
- What are Fragments?
- Creating a Fragment
- Add a Fragment to an Activity via XML
- Add a Fragment Programmtically
- BackStack
- Alternative Layouts
- Fragment Lifecycle
- ListFragment
- The Android Support Library
8. Dialogs
- Toast
- Custom Toast
- Dialogs
- AlertDialog
- AlertDialog Buttons
- Dismissing a Dialog
- AlertDialog Items
- Event Notifications
- Custom Dialogs
- ProgressDialog
- DatePickerDialog
9. Menus
- Menus and Menu Items
- OptionsMenu
- Reacting to Menu Item Selections
- ContextMenu
- Contextual Action Mode
- Defining Contextual Actions
- PopupMenu
- Submenus
- CheckBoxes and Radio Buttons in Menu Items
10. Intents and Broadcast Receivers
- Android Components
- ExplicitIntents
- Passing Extra Data to an Intent
- Activities with Results
- Implicit Intents
- Intent Types and Categories
- Intent Filters
- Intent Filter Actions and Categories
- Intent Filter Data
- Broadcast Receivers
- Registering Broadcast Receivers Programmatically
- Registering Broadcast Receivers via the Manifest
- Broadcasting Intents
11. Services
- What is a Service?
- Defining a Service: Extend IntentService
- Defining a Service: Extend Service
- Registering and Starting a Service
- Stopping a Service
- Creating a Bound Service
- Binding to a Service
- Remote Bound Services
- Call a Remote Service
- Service Lifecycle
12. Notifications
- Notifications
- Creating a Notification Builder
- Configuring a Notification Builder
- Pending Intents
- NotificationManager
- Updating a Notification
- More Notification Properties
13. Data Storage: Preferences and Files
- The Android File System
- Preferences
- Creating Preferences
- Reading Preferences
- Updating and Deleting Preferences
- Using PreferenceScreen
- PreferenceActivity and PreferenceFragment
- Working with Files
- openFileInput() and openFileOutput()
- The cache Directory
- ExternalStorage
- RawResource Files
14. Data Storage: SQLite Database
- SQLite
- Android SQLite Classes
- Executing SQL Statements
- The raw query() and query Methods
- Cursors
- Managed Cursors and LoaderManager
- Encapsulate Data Access with an Adapter
- Using SQLiteOpenHelper
- Managing Database Upgrades
- Inserting and Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- Transactions
15. Data Adapter Widgets
- Data-Driven Adapter Controls
- Adapters
- ArrayAdapter
- CursorAdapter
- SimpleCursorAdapter
- ListView
- ListActivity
- AdapterView Events
- Spinner
- AutoCompleteTextView
- Grid View
- ViewPager and PagerAdapter
- The ViewHolder Pattern
16. Sharing Data with Content Providers
- Content Providers
- Content URI and MIME Types
- Implement the ContentProvider Interface
- Sharing Your Data
- Registering your Provider and Permissions
17. Accessing Contacts and Other Android Providers
- Built-In Content Providers
- Accessing Content Providers
- Content URIs
- LoaderManager and CursorLoader
- Settings
- Browser and Call Log
- MediaStore
- Contacts
- Using ContactsContract
18. Location-Based Services
- LocationManger and LocationListener
- Registering a LocationListener
- Location
- Permissions
- Determining Distance and Bearing
- Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
- Proximity Alerts
- Using Google’s Map Service
- Google Maps Android API
- Displaying a Google Map with MapFragment
- GoogleMap Gestures and Events
- LatLng and the GoogleMap Camera
- Markers and BitmapDescriptors
- Polylines and Polygons
19. Publishing an Application
- Publishing
- Packaging and Signing
- Distribution
- Updates
提示:系统优先提供真人服务。非工作时间或繁忙时,会由 AI 生成回答,可能存在错误,请注意甄别。