C++开发培训课程(DRAFT- C++ Programming: An Introduction)


Course Specifications

Course number: 085953
Software: DGJPP
Course length: 5.0 day(s)

Course Description

In your day-to-day life, you might have come across various applications that involve software components. All these software applications are developed using programming languages. As a programmer, you would like to create an application that will be of use to your clients. In the C++ Programming: An Introduction course, you will use object-oriented programming principles to write programs in C++.

Course Objective: You will migrate from C to C++, explore the object-oriented programming concepts, create classes and instances, implement inheritance and data abstraction within your classes. You will also create templates, and use C++ libraries and handle various exceptions.

Target Student: The target student for this course is an entry-level programmer interested in developing applications using C++. Job changers, or persons with an academic background in a field other than computer science or programming, who wish to embark on a course of study that will prepare them for employment as professional software developers. It is also intended for programmers who are interested in extending their skills in C, C++ and Java.

Prerequisites: Participants must have a foundation in C programming and have an understanding of object-oriented concepts such as classes and inheritance. Suggested pre-requisite Element K courses are:

  • C Programming: An Introduction
  • Object-Oriented Programming Principles

Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

Hardware Requirements

On each student’s machine, you need the following hardware:

  • Intel® Pentium® 1 GHz or higher processor.
  • 512 megabytes (MB) of RAM or more.
  • 10 gigabytes (GB) of available hard-disk space or more.
  • CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive.
  • Color monitor with a 16-bit or greater video card.
  • Monitor with 1024 x 768 monitor resolution.
  • Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse®, or a compatible pointing device.
  • The Internet connection.
  • Display system to project the instructor’s computer screen.

Platform Requirements

  • Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional with Service Pack 2 or Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Business Edition.

Software Requirements

  • Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional with Service Pack 2 or Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Business Edition.
  • WinZip or a similar compression/extraction utility.
  • A source code editor, Notepad++ 5.0 or above.
  • DJGPP v2.03 compiler.

Performance-Based Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • identify the basic differences between C and C++, and compile and execute a simple C++ program.
  • identify the key differences between C and C++.
  • understand the object-oriented programming concepts.
  • manage data storage.
  • work with classes and objects.
  • use friend and inline functions.
  • use static data members and member functions.
  • work with constructors and destructors.
  • implement compile-time polymorphism by overloading operators.
  • implement compile-time polymorphism by overloading functions.
  • implement runtime polymorphism using inheritance.
  • implement runtime polymorphism using virtual functions.
  • handle exceptions.
  • work with input and output streams.
  • work with templates.
  • use the Standard Template Library.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Getting Started with C++
Topic 1A: Identify the Basic Differences Between C and C++
Topic 1B: Compile and Execute a Simple C++ Program
Lesson 2: Migrating from C to C++
Topic 2A: Declare Variables
Topic 2B: Work with Arrays and Strings
Topic 2C: Use Qualifiers in C++
Topic 2D: Use Functions in C++
Lesson 3: Understanding OOPs Concepts
Topic 3A: Object-Oriented Programming
Topic 3B: Object Oriented Paradigm
Lesson 4: Managing Data Storage
Topic 4A: Understand Memory Allocation
Topic 4B: Control Dynamic Memory Allocation
Lesson 5: Working with Classes and Objects
Topic 5A: Define a Class
Topic 5B: Create an Object
Topic 5C: Instantiate a Class Using the new Operator
Lesson 6: Using Friend and Inline Functions
Topic 6A: Use Friend Functions
Topic 6B: Use Inline Functions
Lesson 7: Using Static Data Members and Member Functions
Topic 7A: Work with Static Data Members
Topic 7B: Work with Static Member Functions
Lesson 8: Working with Constructors and Destructors
Topic 8A: Initialize Instance Variables Using Constructors
Topic 8B: Destroy Instances Using Destructors
Lesson 9: Implementing Compile-time Polymorphism by Overloading Operators
Topic 9A: Overload Arithmetic Operators
Topic 9B: Overload I/O Operators
Topic 9C: Overload Assignment Operator
Lesson 10: Implementing Compile-time Polymorphism by Overloading Functions
Topic 10A: Overload Functions
Topic 10B: Overload Constructors
Lesson 11: Implementing Runtime Polymorphism Using Inheritance
Topic 11A: Inherit a Class
Topic 11B: Work with Derived Classes
Topic 11C: Inherit Multiple Classes
Topic 11D: Use Virtual Base Classes
Lesson 12: Implementing Runtime Polymorphism Using Virtual Functions
Topic 12A: Override Functions
Topic 12B: Implement an Abstract Class
Lesson 13: Handling Exceptions
Topic 13A: Handle an Exception Using the try and catch Block
Topic 13B: Handle Derived Class Exceptions
Lesson 14: Working with Input and Output Streams
Topic 14A: Use Input and Output Streams
Topic 14B: Control Input/Output Using Manipulators
Topic 14C: Access Files Using Sequential Access
Topic 14D: Access Files Using Random Access
Lesson 15: Working with Templates
Topic 15A: Use Template Classes and Functions
Topic 15B: Overload a Template Function
Lesson 16: Using the Standard Template Library
Topic 16A: Work with Vectors
Topic 16B: Work with Lists
Topic 16C: Work with Maps




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