CompTIA Project+项目管理课程

comptia project+

■ 课程背景:

■ 关于CompTIA Project+国际认证:
CompTIA是美国计算机行业协会的英文缩写,该协会是全球IT领域最大及最具影响力的行业协会。成立于1982年,总部在美国芝加哥。CompTIA同时也是全球最大的独立认证证书提供商,在全球有超过115万的个人拥有CompTIA的资格认证。所有CompTIA认证考试都是由协会组织该领域内专家命题,这些专家都来自具有代表性的会员机构,因此CompTIA认证是一种跨厂商国际认证,得到业界的广泛认可。2005年CompTIA进入中国后,迅速得到本地众多知名企业认可。联想、IBM、卓越、长城、明基、清华同方等公司也已经将 CompTIA认证作为其技术服务人员必须具备的强制性认证。

CompTIA Project+ 认证即是其项目管理领域的资格认证,该认证没有硬性要求,因此不仅适合项目经理,也适合从其他技术职位转向项目管理工作的专业人员。有关该认证的详细介绍请点击下列链接:

■ 课程简介:
本课程针对美国CompTIA Project+项目经理标准设计,并采用 Element K 开发的CompTIA Project+官方项目管理教材。课程覆盖了项目管理整个生命周期,包括从初期和计划开始、执行、验收、技术支持和结束各个环节。为项目经理提供了按时在预算内完成项目所需要的技能,同时在项目团队成员之间创建出一种公共项目管理语言。课程已经列入“上海市信息专业技术人才知识更新工程”。

■ 谁应当参加?

  • 目前正在信息或通信类企业从事项目管理工作的管理人员和技术人员。
  • 需要使用到项目管理知识和技巧并为从事管理工作做好准备的技术人员,如软件工程师、系统及网络工程师等。
  • 其他行业的项目经理。
  • 研究生或大学生,希望应聘项目管理相关的管理岗位。

■ 预备知识:

■ 培养目标:

■ 课程内容:
Lesson 1: Exploring Project Management Fundamentals

  • Topic 1A: Examine Project Management Basics
  • Topic 1B: Describe the Project Life Cycle
  • Topic 1C: Examine Organizational Influences on Project Management

Lesson 2: Performing the Pre-Project Setup

  • Topic 2A: Create a Project Concept Definition Statement
  • Topic 2B: Determine Strategic and Operational Relevance
  • Topic 2C: Examine Project Selection

Lesson 3: Initiating a Project

  • Topic 3A: Prepare a Project SOW
  • Topic 3B: Create a Project Charter
  • Topic 3C: Identify Project Stakeholders

Lesson 4: Planning Project Strategy

  • Topic 4A: Identify Elements of the Project Management Plan and Subsidiary Plans
  • Topic 4B: Determine Stakeholder Needs
  • Topic 4C: Create a Scope Statement
  • Topic 4D: Develop a Work Breakdown Structure

Lesson 5: Developing the Project Schedule

  • Topic 5A: Create an Activity List
  • Topic 5B: Create a Project Schedule Network Diagram
  • Topic 5C: Identify Resources
  • Topic 5D: Estimate Time
  • Topic 5E: Develop a Project Schedule
  • Topic 5F: Identify the Critical Path
  • Topic 5G: Optimize the Project Schedule
  • Topic 5H: Create a Schedule Baseline

Lesson 6: Planning Human Resources, Communications, and Quality

  • Topic 6A: Create a Human Resource Plan
  • Topic 6B: Create a Communications Management Plan
  • Topic 6C: Create a Quality Management Plan

Lesson 7: Planning Project Risk Management

  • Topic 7A: Create a Risk Management Plan
  • Topic 7B: Identify Project Risks and Triggers
  • Topic 7C: Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  • Topic 7D: Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • Topic 7E: Develop a Risk Response Plan

Lesson 8: Planning Project Costs

  • Topic 8A: Estimate Project Costs
  • Topic 8B: Estimate the Cost Baseline
  • Topic 8C: Reconcile Funding and Costs

Lesson 9: Planning Project Procurements

  • Topic 9A: Plan Project Procurements
  • Topic 9B: Prepare a Procurement SOW
  • Topic 9C: Prepare a Procurement Document

Lesson 10: Planning for Change Management and Transitions

  • Topic 10A: Develop an Integrated Change Control System
  • Topic 10B: Develop a Transition Plan

Lesson 11: Managing Project Execution

  • Topic 11A: Direct Project Execution
  • Topic 11B: Execute a Quality Assurance Plan
  • Topic 11C: Assemble the Project Team
  • Topic 11D: Develop the Project Team
  • Topic 11E: Manage the Project Team
  • Topic 11F: Distribute Project Information
  • Topic 11G: Manage Stakeholder Relationships and Expectations

Lesson 12: Managing Project Procurement

  • Topic 12A: Obtain Responses from Sellers
  • Topic 12B: Determine Project Sellers

Lesson 13: Monitoring Project Performance

  • Topic 13A: Monitor and Control Project Work
  • Topic 13B: Manage Project Changes
  • Topic 13C: Report Project Performance

Lesson 14: Monitoring and Controlling Project Constraints

  • Topic 14A: Control the Project Scope
  • Topic 14B: Control the Project Schedule
  • Topic 14C: Control Project Costs
  • Topic 14D: Manage Project Quality

Lesson 15: Monitoring Project Risks and Procurements

  • Topic 15A: Control Project Risks
  • Topic 15B: Manage Vendors and Procurements

Lesson 16: Performing Project Closure

  • Topic 16A: Deliver the Final Product
  • Topic 16B: Close Project Procurements
  • Topic 16C: Close a Project

■ 考核及证书:
考核通过的颁发CompTIA Project+项目经理国际认证证书(详细介绍见:。

■ 课时及课程形式:
60课时(每课时30分钟),脱产班5天(9AM-12PM & 1PM-4PM)或4天(9AM-12PM & 1PM-5:30PM)、周末班5周(9AM-12PM & 1PM-4PM)或4周(9AM-12PM & 1PM-5:30PM)、晚班5周(每周2次,每次18:30PM-21:30PM)。



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