Microsoft® Office Word 2016 高级培训课程


Microsoft Word 2016 enables you to do far more than simple word processing. Word includes advanced image manipulation tools, collaboration features, cross-referencing and linking tools, entry forms and data collection, security features, and tools to automate document production.

This course is intended for students who want to use advanced capabilities in Word, including image manipulation, collaboration and revision tracking, cross-referencing and linking, document security, forms, and process automation through macros.

To ensure success, you should be comfortable in the Windows® 10 environment, and be able to use Windows 10 to manage information on your computer. Specific tasks you should be able to perform include opening and closing applications, navigating basic file structures, and managing files and folders. The following courses would prepare you for this course:
Microsoft® Office Word 2016 基础培训课程
Microsoft® Office Word 2016 进阶培训课程

Lesson 1: Manipulating Images
Topic A: Integrate Pictures and Text
Topic B: Adjust Image Appearance
Topic C: Insert Other Media Elements

Lesson 2: Using Custom Graphic Elements
Topic A: Create Text Boxes and Pull Quotes
Topic B: Add WordArt and Other Text Effects
Topic C: Draw Shapes
Topic D: Create Complex Illustrations with SmartArt

Lesson 3: Collaborating on Documents
Topic A: Share a Document
Topic B: Review a Document
Topic C: Review Tracked Changes
Topic D: Merge Changes from Other Documents

Lesson 4: Adding Document References and Links
Topic A: Add Captions
Topic B: Add Cross-References
Topic C: Add Bookmarks
Topic D: Add Hyperlinks
Topic E: Insert Footnotes and Endnotes
Topic F: Add Citations and a Bibliography

Lesson 5: Securing a Document
Topic A: Suppress Information
Topic B: Add a Digital Signature to a Document
Topic C: Set Formatting and Editing Restrictions
Topic D: Restrict Document Access

Lesson 6: Using Forms to Manage Content
Topic A: Create Forms
Topic B: Manipulate Forms

Lesson 7: Automating Repetitive Tasks with Macros
Topic A: Automate Tasks Using Macros
Topic B: Create a Macro




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