1. An Introduction to Ruby
- What is Ruby?
- Installing Ruby
- Executing Ruby Code
- Getting Help
- Dynamic Types
- Ruby Reserved Words
- Naming Conventions
2. Standard Ruby Data Types
- Numbers
- Strings
- Simple Input and Output
- Converting String Input
- Regular Expressions
- Time Methods
3. Language Components
- The if Statement
- The case Construct
- Loops
- Iterators
- Numeric Iterators
- String Iterators
- Methods
- Odds and Ends
4. Collections
- Arrays
- Array Operator Methods
- Array Equality Operator
- Arrays as Stacks and Queues
- Higher Dimensional Arrays
- Other Useful Arrays Methods
- Command Line Arguments
- Hashes
- Common Hash Methods
- Sorting Hashes
- Iterators with Arrays and Hashes
- Arrays and Methods
- Hashes and Methods
- Named Parameters
- Symbols
- Procs
- Closures
5. Classes
- Objects
- Brief History of OOP
- OOP Vocabulary
- Creating a New Class
- Using Objects
- Defining Operator Methods
- Inheritance
- Ancestors
- self
- Access Levels – public
- Access Levels – private
- Access Levels – protected
- Access Levels – Specification
- Class Data and Class Methods
- Adding Methods to Classes and Objects
- Special Global Variables
- Scope of Variables
- Built-in Classes
- The Math Class
- The NilClass Class
- TrueClass and FalseClass
- Built-in Class Hierarchy
6. Input and Output
- Introduction
- Reading from the Standard Input
- Reading a Character at a Time
- Writing to the Standard Output
- Reading and Writing Disk Files
- Reading Files Using Iterators
- I/O With Command Line Commands
- Seeking About Files
- tell
- Capturing Data About Files
- Processing Directories
7. Exceptions
- Introduction
- Exception Hierarchy
- Handling Exceptions
- Multiple Rescue Clauses
- Exceptions are Classes
- ensure
- retry
- raise
- Creating Your Own Exceptions
- catch and throw
8. Modules
- Introduction
- Using Core Ruby Classes
- Ruby Standard Library
- require
- Search Path
- File Organization
- load
- Modules
- include
- Mixins
- Using the Comparable Module
- Collection Classes
- yield
- Using the Enumerable Module
9. Odds and Ends
- Ruby Conventions
- Bit Manipulation
- Substituting
- Marshalling
- Reflection
- grep
- Classes are Objects
- Aliasing
- Testing
- Test::Unit::TestCase
- Testing Your Own Classes
- Freezing Objects
- Object Equality
Ruby on Rails开发培训课程
提示:系统优先提供真人服务。非工作时间或繁忙时,会由 AI 生成回答,可能存在错误,请注意甄别。