Visual C#.NET高级开发培训课程(Visual C#.NET: Advanced)


Course Specifications

Course number: 085523
Software: Visual Studio.NET, Enterprise or Professional Edition.
Course length: 5 days

Course Description

You have already briefly entered into the new world of .NET programming, using some of the basic features of the C# programming language and the Visual C#.NET integrated development environment inside Visual Studio.NET. Building on the basics, you are now ready to seriously pursue the advanced aspects of Visual C#.NET programming that are introduced in this course. This is one in a series of Visual C#.NET programming courses offered by Element K.

Course Objective: You will program rich client Windows desktop applications and distributed applications using Visual C#.NET.

Target Student: Visual Basic, C++, or Java programmers with at least one year of practical experience who want to be a Visual C#.NET programmer, able to program rich client desktop applications and distributed applications, and/or is seeking Windows Application Developer certification.

Prerequisites: To ensure your success, we recommend you first take the following Element K course or have equivalent knowledge:

  • .NET Framework: Introduction
  • Visual Studio.NET: Introduction
  • Visual C#.NET: Introduction for Developers

Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

Hardware Requirements

  • PC with a Pentium II-class processor, 500 megahertz (MHz); Pentium III-class processor, 600 MHz or higher, recommended.
  • 128 MB of RAM is the recommended minimum for running this course on Windows 2000 Professional, 192 MB of RAM is the recommended minimum for running this course on Windows 2000 Server, and 160 MB of RAM is the recommended minimum for running this course on Windows XP Professional.
  • 500 MB on system drive and 4.0 GB on installation drive.
  • CD-ROM drive.
  • Super VGA recommended (set at least to 800×600 screen resolution) with 256 colors.
  • An Internet connection with access to the World Wide Web.

Platform Requirements

  • Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows XP Professional.

Software Requirements

  • Visual Studio.NET, Enterprise or Professional Edition.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.

Performance-Based Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • add user interface elements to forms.
  • display GDI+ graphics.
  • work with delegates and events.
  • input and output data.
  • implement document printing.
  • interact with the garbage collector.
  • write multi-threaded programs.
  • write Internet-based and distributed applications.
  • implement user-based and code-based security.
  • control and analyze compiled code.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Adding User Interface Elements to Forms
Topic 1A: Add a Menu to a Form-based Application
Topic 1B: Handle a Menu Item
Topic 1C: Create a Context Menu
Topic 1D: Add a Toolbar
Topic 1E: Add a Status Bar
Topic 1F: Add a Splitter Bar
Topic 1G: Create and Use a Modal Dialog Box
Topic 1H: Use a Common Dialog Box
Topic 1I: Create and Use a Modeless Dialog Box
Lesson 2: Displaying GDI+ Graphics
Topic 2A: Draw Graphics with Pens
Topic 2B: Fill Areas with Brushes
Topic 2C: Draw Text with Fonts
Topic 2D: Draw Images
Topic 2E: Perform Graphical Transformations
Lesson 3: Working with Delegates and Events
Topic 3A: Respond to Keyboard and Mouse Events
Topic 3B: Use a Delegate
Topic 3C: Work with Custom Events
Lesson 4: Inputting and Outputting Data
Topic 4A: Read and Write Text Data with Streams
Topic 4B: Read and Write Binary Data
Topic 4C: Implement Object Serialization
Topic 4D: Implement Custom Serialization
Lesson 5: Implementing Document Printing
Topic 5A: Print a Document
Topic 5B: Implement Print Preview
Topic 5C: Print Headers and Footers
Topic 5D: Scale Document Printing
Lesson 6: Interacting with Garbage Collection
Topic 6A: Force Garbage Collection
Topic 6B: Investigate Garbage Collection
Topic 6C: Expedite Clean-Up Using the Dispose Design Pattern
Topic 6D: Manage Temporary Resources
Lesson 7: Writing a Multi-threaded Application
Topic 7A: Create a Thread
Topic 7B: Modify Thread Priority
Topic 7C: Control Execution of a Thread
Topic 7D: Coordinate Threads Sequentially
Topic 7E: Synchronize Access to Data from Multiple Threads in a Process
Topic 7F: Synchronize Access to Data from Multiple Threads Between Processes
Topic 7G: Synchronize Access to Methods in a Class
Topic 7H: Store Data with Local Data Storage
Lesson 8: Writing Internet and Distributed Applications
Topic 8A: Write a Server Using Sockets
Topic 8B: Write a Client Using Sockets
Topic 8C: Write an HTTP Server
Topic 8D: Write an HTTP Client
Topic 8E: Write a Web Service
Topic 8F: Consume a Web Service
Topic 8G: Create a Server Using Remoting
Topic 8H: Create a Client using Remoting
Lesson 9: Implementing Security
Topic 9A: Implement User-based Security
Topic 9B: Implement Code Access Security
Topic 9C: Configure Security Permissions
Topic 9D: Implement Permission-based Security
Topic 9E: Implement Data Encryption and Decryption
Lesson 10: Controlling and Analyzing Compiled Code
Topic 10A: Control Compilation using Pre-processor Directives and the Conditional Attribute
Topic 10B: Analyze Assembly Types Using Reflection
Topic 10C: Create Custom Attributes
Topic 10D: Access Memory Directly Using Pointers



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