XML: XSL Transformations – Level 2 (Second Edition)


Course Specifications

Course number: 085028
Software: AltovaXML™ 2008
Course length: 1.0 day(s)

Course Description

You used XSL transformations to extract data from an XML document and present it in required formats. However, most modern day tasks involve complex transformations that are performed on the server and require further expertise to handle such situations. In this course, you will learn more complex transformation concepts and their usage on the server-side.

Course Objective: You will use advanced concepts in XSLT programming.

Target Student: Entry-level XML developers and XML analysts.


  • Basic XML skills (XML: An Introduction (4th Edition)).
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming principles is helpful (Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming).
  • Basic XSL transformation skills (XML: XSL Transformations – Level 1 (Second Edition)).


Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

Hardware Requirements

  • PC with a Pentium® processor, 133 MHz or higher.
  • A minimum of 128 MB of RAM is recommended.
  • A minimum of 1.0 GB hard drive is recommended.
  • A CD-ROM drive.
  • Super VGA recommended (set at least to 800 x 600 screen resolution) with 256 colors.

Platform Requirements

  • Microsoft® Windows® XP.

Software Requirements

  • WMHelp XmlPad
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6 or later.
  • Java 1.5 Runtime Environment or later.
  • Apache FOP 0.93 for jdk 1.4.
  • Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0.
  • Adobe® Acrobat Reader® 7.1.0 or later.
  • AltovaXML™ 2008.

Performance-Based Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • work with built-in XSLT functions to increase their efficiency and utilize XSLT to its full potential.
  • familiarize themselves with XSLT on the server side to transform XML documents on a server.
  • work with data islands and SVG output.
  • work with XSL formatting objects.
  • import a schema into a stylesheet to validate an XML document.
  • work with XQuery.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Working with XSLT Functions
Topic 1A: Retrieve the Current Node Using a Function
Topic 1B: Format Numbers with XSLT Functions
Topic 1C: Locate Nodes Using Functions
Topic 1D: Test Processor Support Using Functions
Topic 1E: Identify Unparsed Entities Using Functions
Topic 1F: Display Processor Details Using Functions
Topic 1G: Retrieve Data from Multiple Documents Using Functions
Lesson 2: Familiarizing Yourself with XSLT on the Server Side
Topic 2A: Understand XSLT Transformation on the Server
Topic 2B: Understand Transformation of Data Stored in a Database
Lesson 3: Working with Data Islands and SVG Output
Topic 3A: Transform an XML Data Island with XSLT
Topic 3B: Convert XML Documents into Scalable Vector Graphics
Lesson 4: Working with XSL-FO
Topic 4A: Create a Master Page to Define Formatting Properties
Topic 4B: Generate an XSL-FO Document
Lesson 5: Using the XML Schema in a Stylesheet
Topic 5A: Understand XML Schemas
Topic 5B: Transform XML by Validating XML Schemas
Lesson 6: Working with XQuery
Topic 6A: Extract Data by Using XQuery
Topic 6B: Extract Data from Multiple Sources



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