微软云计算开发培训课程(WCF / Azure / .Net / VS2010 / 云计算)

Windows Azure是微软的公有云平台,也是全球最主要的云计算平台之一。Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)是微软发展的一组数据通信的应用程序开发接口,它是.Net 4.0框架的一部分,采用服务导向架构(SOA)开发模式。本课程即从WCF开始,逐步深入至Azure云计算平台上的开发。课程以实战为主,包括大量开发案例的学习。由微软最有价值专家(MVP)亲自主讲。

Test-Driven Development Using Visual Studio and C# (VS 2010)培训课程

This one-day course for developers explains the methodology of test-driven development and the use of the unit testing framework that comes with Visual Studio® 2010 Professional Edition and higher. The course is practical, with many example programs and tests written in C#®, including a cumulative case study. The goal is to quickly bring you up to speed in doing unit testing in your .NET development projects.